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Frank on the Issues

Click on the issues and learn about what Frank fights for and his plans.

Frank voted for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which made much needed investments in our ports, airports, waterways, roads, bridges, railways, and broadband internet. Frank has done extensive work to deliver federal funding for local infrastructure improvements throughout our region. With other states fighting for a Hydrogen Hub, Frank secured this investment for NWI. This $6 Billion project will create good-paying union jobs with its construction and allow our steel producers to compete in the world market.

Frank has delivered over $100 Million through federal Community Project Funding awards for projects throughout Northwest Indiana to grow our economy. Frank is proud to partner with community leaders to deliver funding for infrastructure upgrades, environmental preservation, first responders, and institutions of higher learning. Frank supported the more than $1 Billion expansion and extension of the South Shore Passenger Rail Line that is now under construction, and the private sector investments are already beginning in places like Michigan City because of this historic investment in our public transportation.


Since he was the North Township Trustee, Frank has been working to improve access to quality, affordable healthcare for communities throughout our region. This includes helping seniors afford prescription drugs, providing veterans with critical mental health services, and supporting women seeking reproductive care.

Frank is in Congress to lower the price of healthcare and to make prescription drug prices more affordable, so families can obtain the lifesaving medicine they need. That’s why Frank fought to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which allows Medicare to directly negotiate prescription drug prices, limits out-of-pocket costs for insulin at $35 per month, and for the first time ever, caps Medicare Part D out-of-pocket drug costs at $2,000 — a proud achievement of Frank’s.

Freedom is on the ballot this year. After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Indiana was the first state in the country to institute a statewide abortion ban. Women’s access to reproductive healthcare is under attack. With federal legislation proposed to ban abortion nationwide, it’s more important than ever that we send Frank back to Congress to fight for our freedoms. Frank supports the codification of Roe v. Wade and will continue to fight to ensure that every woman can make their own decisions about their own bodies, their own futures, and their own economic opportunities.

Frank is an original cosponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which will ensure women have access reproductive care.

Frank will stand with women. He will make sure Roe v. Wade is the law of the land and that women can safely access the reproductive healthcare they need.

Frank is proud to have secured the endorsement of the American Federation of Teachers Indiana and the National Education Association. Frank has always taken every opportunity to express his appreciation for educators and demonstrate to communities how indispensable they are to creating the next generation of thinkers and problem solvers.

As a member of the Education and the Workforce Committee, Frank is supporter of teachers and students, and he will continue to work to ensure that public funds are dedicated to support public education. Frank has been proud to partner with local institutions of higher education to deliver federal Community Project Funding for academic training programs to prepare our students for the 21st century workforce.

Protecting our border is a national security priority. Frank believes in a safe, secure, and humane approach to secure our national border. Our district is home to an international port of entry, and families across our region have seen the devastating impacts of illegal opioids in our community. While serving as North Township Trustee, one of Frank’s responsibilities was burials for those who lost the struggle with addiction. In his last month as Trustee, over a dozen people died because of a bad batch drugs; heroin laced with fentanyl. Securing our border and national ports is vital in protecting communities across our region. Frank has consistently advocated for increased border security agents, modernized technology, and resources to address drug and human trafficking at our border. Frank will continue to fight for a secure border to protect our region.

Throughout Frank’s career, he has been proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with the men and women of organized labor. He knows that unions are the foundation of the strength of the Northwest Indiana economy, and it is the advocacy of unions that created a strong middle-class. Frank understands the value of all members of organized labor, who are on the frontlines fighting for superior working conditions across our country. As a member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, Frank is proud to support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act so that all workers have the right and ability to form a union. He has also been a steadfast supporter of expanded Buy America requirements, of Davis-Bacon wage requirements, and the use of Project Labor Agreements. 

As a Northwest Indiana resident who grew up swimming in Lake Michigan and hiking at the Indiana Dunes National Park, Frank is committed to preserving Northwest Indiana’s environmental resources. Frank recognizes that climate change is a real and urgent threat, and is focused on protecting the environment for current and future generations. 

In Congress, Frank was proud to support the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest climate investment in our nation’s history, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, bolster U.S. manufacturing for clean energy efficiency, and support communities harmed by pollution.  Frank also helped pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which included investments in clean energy technology, resilience, and clean water access. 

While the challenges ahead are daunting, Frank believes that the climate crisis provides an opportunity to boost American jobs and create a clean energy economy that works for everyone.

One of Frank’s signature initiatives as North Township Trustee was the establishment of the No More Secrets program. In establishing this program, he collaborated with teachers, school districts, and Indiana legislators to create a resource to educate and protect children from predators. This program currently educates, enables, and empowers all students in every K-12 school in Indiana. He would not have been able to establish this program without the incredible persistence and support of Indiana teachers, who shared his value of ensuring that resources are available for all students.

As a member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Frank has continued to help the most vulnerable in our region. Frank introduced the Dignity for Military Sexual Trauma Survivors Act to support and affirm veterans who experienced sexual trauma during their active military service as they navigate the Board of Veterans’ Appeals claims appeal process. This legislation was signed into law to improve the claims appeal experience and safeguard the dignity of MST survivors. Frank led the charge to make this important change at VA to protect survivors.

Frank has been proud to to deliver federal Community Project Funding to Fair Haven Northwest Indiana’s Rape Crisis Center. This funding assisted Fair Haven in providing safe and stable housing for adults fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking or stalking. Frank will continue to protect the most vulnerable populations throughout Northwest Indiana.

Frank introduced the Safe Recovery Together Act to address the lasting, adverse effects of domestic violence, including struggles with mental illness, substance use disorder, and housing instability. This program would address barriers to accessing care that survivors often face when seeking services in their time of need and create safe, supportive living environments for families. Frank will continue to advocate for resources to support survivors of domestic violence throughout our region.




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